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Living on New Earth

This website holds the vision, codes and templates for creating and living on New Earth. New Earth is not a place. It is a vibrational state, a perception of your external reality that corresponds with and is created/projected from within your inner world, from your level of consciousness, your continuous and sustained overall frequency vibration.
All words, photos, videos, light language transmissions and meditations on this site are light encoded and hold instructions for activating your own innate knowledge and to assist you in remembering the vastness of who you ARE beyond this earthly human experience. It is created to facilitate the activation of your crystalline 12 strand DNA, to support the body's immense shift from carbon based to crystalline form, to raise the collective consciousness and to prepare humanity for cosmic citizenship and multidimensional living. There is a unification and merging of worlds unfolding and the collective decision we made together with Mother Earth, Gaia, and higher councils, is that humanity is to join her on her journey towards once again becoming a 5th dimensional planet and beyond, bringing us all into a new upleveled experience, into a new consciousness built upon qualities such as peace, diversity in oneness, abundance, joy, and love. Every soul who is now present on Planet Earth has chosen to participate in this grand endeavour and magnificent design, in one way or another.  It does however involve bringing our bodies with us. For this to happen it is required that we raise our overall vibration, as this is the only way to gain access to a new frequency space that delivers the higher quality experience.  This website is your invitation to join in the unfolding collective awakening and organic ascension, through raising your vibration in a more devoted and accelerated way, with the assistance of the multidimensional gift, The Languages of Light, sound frequency healing and activation of New Earth Templates and sacred geometry within your body and fields.


Welcome to Living on New Earth

Here is a welcoming gift to you. A taste of the magnificent Languages of Light.

It holds healing frequencies and an activation of your memory of your journeys as a soul.

It is called "Soul Journey Remembrance"

Join our mailing list for light encoded information, transmissions and news to be shared directly with you

Thank you for contributing with your energy and your light. You are honoured and loved.


Presentation of Living on New Earth

Maria Nyegaard & John Burgos on Beyond the Ordinary Show

John Burgos and I had a light filled conversation on his LIVE Beyond the Ordinary Show on October 24th, where I also shared three light language transmissions/guided meditations. The replay is available along with my SPECIAL OFFER on my online signature course "Claiming Your Creator State". Click the link below to get access to the highly discounted package and watch the replay by clicking the Youtube link.

Enjoy this opportunity to accelerate your ascension journey in a graceful and efficient way.


Much love,


"There is a calling that we can hear if we choose to be still and listen to the recesses of a space just beyond the heart that knows. It knows the depth of your potential and what is standing in the way of your discovery of that which you innately search for but just cannot quite reach.

As an ascension guide and healer, Maria Nyegaard is adept at helping you unearth those aspects of you that know the way home. Using the healing tones of her voice and resonant pitch as transmitted with her instruments, she incorporates Pleiadian light language to attune and acclimate you to the highest expression available to you now.

Experience her light language transmission and sound bath, and immerse yourself in a symphony of pure alignment and harmony with your awakened potential.

This was a beautiful call, and the immersion into the crystal bowls, the Koshi bells, and the galactic frequencies are still reverberating through me!"


John Burgos

SPECIAL OFFER Claiming Your Creator State
About Section
Maria Nyegaard

Maria Nyegaard 

Maria is a bringer of higher consciousness, of freedom codes, of Divine Mother energies, and she carries the templates within her being for how Living on New Earth, as an awake and highly conscious HUman, may look like.


She is herself walking the path of ascension into full embodiment of Christ/Kryst/Crystalline/Unity consciousness, and her role is to show what is possible for everyone along the way, with great respect and honour of the human aspect, on this auspicious journey towards raising our collective consciousness.


In 2009, Maria had a profound awakening experience, however continued to work in corporate leadership roles until 2015, when she stepped fully out and created Human Liberation. Her own personal and professional environment has been her pivotal playground and space for intimate inner learning experiences with her higher levels. This led her into taking the direct route to Source, which has been her calling and the reason behind her devoted and accelerated ascension path since her awakening. Walking steadfast from the illusion into truth, deciphering the programs, reading energy rather than words. Realising the creator behind the projection, redirecting and recreating her movie. Shedding her old skin to find her true essence in the

I AM presence and Unified Self.


She is a wayshower, ascension guide, healer, gridworker and multidimensional transmitter of the Languages of Light and is currently living in Mexico, where she is assisting with anchoring in the new light, and preparing and facilitating humanity's transformation into higher consciousness.

Maria is a bringer of higher consciousness, of freedom codes, of Divine Mother energies, and she carries the templates within her being for how Living on New Earth, as an awake and highly conscious HUman, may look like. ​ She is herself walking the path of ascension into full embodiment of Christ/Kryst/Crystalline/Unity consciousness, and her role is to show what is possible for everyone along the way, with great respect and honour of the human aspect, on this auspicious journey towards raising our collective consciousness. ​ In 2009, Maria had a profound awakening experience, however continued to work in corporate leadership roles until 2015, when she stepped fully out and created Human Liberation. Her own personal and professional environment has been her pivotal playground and space for intimate inner learning experiences with her higher levels. This led her into taking the direct route to Source, which has been her calling and the reason behind her devoted and accelerated ascension

Beauty and Creativity

The heart knows beauty in all its expressions . When we observe something authentic, something pure, we can simply feel the essence of what we have in front of us, and it nourishes our soul. It is like the nectar of life, filling up every particle of our being. The same can be felt with experiences, that kind that just feels overwhelmingly sacred to our soul. The mind cannot provide us with this true fulfilling feeling, because the stories it tells us are not infinitely real. The truth of the minds's stories depends on perspective. What it tells us is usually an overlay, an illusion, and it is temporary and shifting, often leaving us with a void inside, like an elusive leaf blowing with the wind. The heart sees creation without judgement. It sees from the oneness that is Source/God/Prime Creator. The diversity in oneness that we observe in nature is absolutely mind-blowing. It is the same with all creatures in this multiverse, all with quite unique expressions, gifts and purposes, that all serve a perfect part in the grand design. The true meaning of beauty is intertwined with being a creator. We came to this planet to be master creators and bring all of our creations, our beauty, back to Source. Because we ARE Source. Everything, everywhere, is the collective consciousness of Source. Maria's vision for Living on New Earth is for us to unite and bring forth these treasures, this unique diverse beauty of our collective conscious creation. Let us offer the truest, most vibrant, expanded, pure expression of what we ARE.


The most beautiful creation of all. 

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co-Creating with our Source Self

As the old ways of creating are crumbling and dissolving, a new way is emerging. Creation from the mind will always hold polarity, which in the end is unsustainable and not energetically supported any longer. Gaia is transforming into a planet of higher consciousness and so all of her creations must align with that new and higher vibration. Creation from the crystalline stargate of the heart is all-seeing, all-knowing, and therefore for the highest good of all, in alignment with Mother Earth.

Everything on this website is light encoded offerings in support of this mission, to assist humanity on the journey from the the mind to the heart, and from there into activating the true master creator within, that we came here to be.

As the old ways of creating are crumbling and dissolving, a new way is emerging. Creation from the mind will always hold polarity, which in the end is unsustainable and not energetically supported any longer. Gaia is transforming into a planet of higher consciousness and so all of her creations must align with that new and higher vibration. Creation from the crystalline stargate of the heart is all-seeing, all-knowing, and therefore for the highest good of all, in alignment with Mother Earth. Everything on this website is light encoded offerings in support of this mission, to assist humanity on the journey from the the mind to the heart, and from there into activating the true master creator within, that we came here to be.

Much love on our collective journey towards higher consciousness

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