Happy magnificent Solstice to everyone! Hopefully you have some time to receive the wonderful energies of new creation that are coming in at this time. I am in a somewhat isolated space now since three weeks, to be able to allow my body to fully receive what is being gifted to us, and I feel truly thankful that I have been able to create this space.
I wanted to share what I feel is most important now, and so here is a light encoded text followed by a transmission that you may download and listen to at your convenience.
The human being's natural state and birthright is one of sovereignty. We are born creators, anything else is impossible, as it is the vibration of our thoughts, emotions, words and actions, both conscious and unconscious, that create everything in our individual and collective experience.
However, because of the agreed upon dynamics of the Game of Earth Life, we go through all sorts of conditioning and programming from conception within our mothers' womb, and we forget that we are in fact creator beings, in power of the creation of our experiences, which quality is defined by our responses to the very same. The result is that we keep creating in every moment, but very often in an unconscious way.
Through our misperceived separation from Source and forgetfulness of our divine birthright and responsibility to create in an aware and masterful way, we often give away our power and start to embody victim consciousness. This state becomes the root from which a plethora of distortions evolve in our human consciousness and creation. Lack, power plays, judgement, manipulation, separation being some of them. Illusions, but nonetheless feeling real to the human ego aspect, who is lost in forgetfulness of the divine truth of who we really are.
To be able to consciously create/manifest, it is important to not only add onto the ego mind chatter with new strategies and tools, but to remove subconscious patterning that is impeding you from being the divine being that you truly and naturally are, just by being here.
Today we have winter and summer solstice, where exquisite energies from the Great Central Sun are coming to us through Solaris, our sun. The frequencies hold opportunities for wiping our slates clean, stepping out of our old ways of being and creating from our ego minds, together with activations and upgrades for all hearts that are open, ready and willing, to assist us in claiming back our state as CREATORS. Furthermore to be able to consciously and purposefully create your multidimensional life experience in an organic way through our krysted EXPANDED heart.
Blessings to all, on this magnificent day of welcoming new ways of being and creating.
Here is my Solstice gift to you, a transmission from my online course "Claiming My Creator State", that contains 6 different transmissions.
This one holds codes for the following:
"I ACCEPT that my vibration creates everything in my life"
I accept that it is my vibration that creates everything (thoughts, emotions, words, behavior all have specific frequencies that I vibrate out and which in turn materialises into my physical reality. All my experiences are a reflection back to me of what I have projected out, it is confirming back to me what I believe, what I feel, what I do, what I AM. I confirm to me I am a Creator Being and must claim this, if I wish to consciously create my life)
Includes light codes to:
rewire and open up neuropathways in the brain
reprogramming the software in the mind (removing limiting belief systems)
activating innate knowledge of the interconnection between body, mind, heart and soul
activating a communication and coherence between heart and mind
stabilizing a new state of conscious creation within your being
May enjoy this opportunity for upliftment and raising your vibration.
Much love
on our collective journey
towards higher consciousness
