November energies are moving us at rapid pace, and hold codes of revelation and purification for everyone who is open, ready and willing to receive
As the intensity of this autumn's solar activity is still reverberating in our beings and stabilising as our new normal, our external realities are reflecting back to us everything that is going on, both on personal and collective levels.
To assist in these times of acceleration, I will dedicate one video each week to elaborate from a 5th dimensional perspective and beyond on topics, questions and life situations that are currently occupying our body-mind-heart-soul complex.
The list of topics is growing and expanding and you are invited know to contribute with your specific subject of interest on the list, if you wish. Let me know via email
Here is the first one, a short glimpse into our global situation, - what have we created and how this could happen.
May it assist you on your journey of awakening and remembering, bringing you into the frequency of acceptance, to step further into your full mastery as a Source Energy Creator Being.